Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Another ZyngaVille

As if Zynga needed another “ville” game...another one is back and projected to make millions!

Farmville, believe it or not, has over 80 million monthly users! In addition to that, Zynga has launched FishVille, YoVille, PetVille, and practically any other “ville” you can think of. As ridiculous as they may seem, there is no gimmick. These games are exactly what they portray: brainless (arguably), addicting, and definitely revenue generating.

In a nutshell, the game description is as follows: “Howdy Pardner! Let’s explore a new life on the frontier. You gotta chop trees to construct buildings, clear land to raise livestock, plant crops, and raise a family. The untamed wilderness is hazardous, but your fellow pioneers are there to help.”

Now, I’m no FarmVille expert in the slightest, but it seems as if FrontierVille is just another one of those “survive in the wilderness with your friends” games. The funny part is that it’s more than likely to be another hit.

Maybe we should all take notes and think simplistically. In this case, simple = $$ = better. The equation makes sense for Zynga!

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