Friday, February 19, 2010

Questions for the Speakers

It's not everyday that we're allowed to ask questions to employees of established companies.

One of the most rewarding parts about the APOC Program is that we can interact with these executives. Here are some of the questions that I have for businesses such as POM Wonderful:
1. What is the most profitable month for POM Wonderful?
2. How do the online and print PR strategies differ?
3. How does POM Wonderful deal/contact people who complain about their product?
4. Is there a way to contact the CEO directly as a consumer?

Questions for Teleflora:
1. How emphasized is the PR for flowers during months outside of Valentine's Day and Mother's Day?
2. How has the economic recession affected flower sales?
3. What has been the biggest obstacle in attaining your position at Teleflora?
4. How is management structured in this organization?

There's so much to learn, which is amazing especially at this age. I'm looking forward to hearing from all the speaker this program offers!


  1. Ashlie-
    I look forward to coming tonight and trying to answer what I can. ;)


  2. Ashlie,
    Here you go, I missed you last night:
    - Jeff Rushton from POM
