Friday, February 12, 2010

A False and New Alarm with MySpace

Just when we thought Jason Hirschhorn was stepping down from the position of MySpace's Chief Product Officer, it's actually CEO Owen Van Natta who is packing his bags.

Instead, new co-Presidents Mike Jones and Jason Hirschhorn, will be taking over Van Natta's spot after representing the company for about 8 months and providing no indication of dissatisfaction that would cause him to leave. Abandonment, perhaps?

So if ex-Chief Product Office Hirschhorn isn't leaving, why the mix up? Supposedly, rumors say that News Corp digital chief, Jon Miller, and Van Natta had a continuous disagreement because Van Natta did not have the authority to fire Hirschhorn. Talk about team playing...

All three aforementioned executive officers joined MySpace in April 2009, and we're definitely seeing a shift in power. In the words of Heidi Klum, one day you're in, the next day, you're out.

But it seems as if Jon Miller and Owen Van Natta settled their differences...or at least, feigned civility in the press. Miller says that Van Natta successfully worked to revamp MySpace with positive financial boosts as results to prove it. However, personal and professional priorities helped make the decision for him: it's time to leave.

With the reigns in hand, Hirschhorn and Jones both agreed that they're going to redirect the company with specific goals that can easily turn into a reality.

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